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Philippe Ernewein

Documents Frequently Requested
This page contains hyperlinked documents that have been most frequently requested and used. Please feel free to use them, make improvements and adaptations. Let me know what works best for you. If you don't see it here, please reach out to me via the contact page. Thanks.
First, a disclaimer from Abraham Lincoln, on the originality of these documents: "Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his aren't very new at all."
Dear Reader
Adapted from Nancie Atwell's In The Middle, this opening letter depends on the content area I'm teaching, has played a central part of helping to create a safe, caring & thoughtful community.
Frayer Model
Many versions of this great graphic organizer exist. Instead of "characteristics" some teachers substitute it with "draw."
Visual Check Chart
Three column practice for students: analyze, visualize & write. Recommended for a small number of words; individualized for each student.
Example of Musical Connection
By far, the most popular writing assignment of the year. More has been written about this project in this article. It is easily adaptable to any classroom novel taught in grades 6 - 12.
First Day of Writing Workshop
The opportunity for both writing and student choice must be present on the first day of the writing workshop. This day one lesson plan is adapted from Nancie Atwell's In The Middle.
Unit Organizer
A fantastic one-page graphic organizer for teachers to plan with and share with students.
Adapted 6-Trait Rubric
This rubric demands participation from both teacher and student in the evaluation process of writing.
PACE Starter Kit
This one-page graphic organizer for both teachers and students can be the framework for a "high-prep" multiple intelligences project.
Status of the Class
The original Status of the Class (SOC) document used to help keep both teacher and student organized in the writing workshop.
International Dyslexia Association Handbook
This handbook not only contains invaluable information like the characteristics of dyslexia, what it is and what it isn't, but also provides information on valid assessments, effective teaching approaches, self-advocacy ideas and a vast array of resources.
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